Kentucky is at the heart of the range of this spectacular small tree which can reach heights of 40'. The most distinctive thing about this species, and the other native deciduous magnolias, are the large leaves ranging from 12 to 30" long or more. Umbrella magnolia is different from big leaf (Magnolia macrophylla) in that there are no "ear-lobes" at the base and is whitish underneath, Fraser's magnolia (M. fraseri) which has smaller leaves with lobes and is pale but not whitish underneath, and cucumber tree (M. acuminata)which has smaller leaves, no lobes and is whitish underneath. Cucumber tree also has rough bark compared to the others which have smooth bark. Umbrella magnolia also has these incredibly large, showy white flowers than reach up to 7 or 8" across. In the fall, the flowers are replaced by a cone or reddish seeds and the leaves turn yellow before dropping. This is a tree that is definitely worth trying in the landscape if for no other reason that you are likely to be the only one what has it in the landscape. Site location is the key to using this as it should be sheltered from the wind and it must be watered during drought, even mature trees. It does not like, nor thrive in clay soils and likes well-drained, somewhat acidic soils, often rich in humus. It also likes part shade. A great place to have it would be at the edge of the shade garden or along a meandering stream near a water garden. The species name tripetala most likely is related to the three sepals that are longer than the petals of which there are more than 3 in the flower. Why did it get this name? It appears it was a mistake by Carlos von Linne' in that he used the description provided by famed botanist Mark Catesby who called it, "Magnolia amplissimo flore albo, fructo coccinea" and he was confused by the actual number of petals. The common name arises from the round clustered and long leaves at the end of the branches that resemble an umbrella.
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